♥ Kassandra Panda ♥

email: sarahkatx@gmail.com





  1. You are not responsible for adult's feelings.
  2. You are not responsible for anyone else's behaviors.
  3. Whatever you're feeling is okay. No one has the right to tell you how to feel.
  4. You can do ANYTHING. Believe in yourself. Growth mindset, hard work, and finding the right strategy.
  5. Your body. Your choice. Your consent.
  6. God just wants you to be nice to yourself and treat others how you want to be treated. That's it.
  7. Be you. You are amazing exactly as you are. Ignore anyone that says otherwise.
  8. You are so very loved.

February 4, 2024

I hope you're doing amazing, kiddo! And I hope you know I never forgot you. I know you worry about these things, because you don't always see how amazing you are. Just know you are very loved by so many people and deserve a life as wonderful as you are! ♥

Love, Sarah (aka "Bruh" hahaha)

Happy birthday!!

I hope you had a wonderful birthday! It was fun to have old pictures of you pop up on my phone. Sorry I didn't update this sooner, but don't think I forgot! Ten years old!! Time flies! I will always be super proud of you and I hope you're doing amazing!

Love always, Sarah